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Complessità, disagi e psicopatologia dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza
Sabato 18 gennaio 2025
Hommage à Graziella Fava Vizziello,
rendu par Bernard Golse
lors de la Journée du 18 janvier à Padoue
L'aventura di genitori e figli alla ricerca del futuro,in tempo di covid
Venerdi 30 settembre 2022
Verbale dell'ultima riunione della sezione italiana dell'AEPEA
28 giugno 2022
Perinatal Clinical Psychology has progressively developed since the 1990s as a specialized research area of Clinical Psychology. With this name, first time in Italy, it was organized as an interdisciplinary field by the chair of Clinical Psychology of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Brescia. Over time, Perinatal Clinical Psychology has integrated, in the methodological framework of Clinical Psychology, the different health and social disciplines that deal with the perinatal period.
Thus, our Perinatal Clinical Psychology is not simply focused on the needs and the discomforts of the woman who is becoming a mother, but, above all, it is concerned with the development of a new individual in relation to the psychic and social events of the mother and the family, therefore in the first thousand days of life starting from conception.
Obstetrics Sciences, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Neonatology, Pediatrics, Child Neuropsychiatry, Nursing Sciences, Health Assistance, Social and Educational Assistance and other health, educational and social professions therefore contribute in the context of Clinical Psychology.